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Not Sure Your Kefir Grains Are Working? Kefir Grains Multiplying?

Q. Will Water Kefir Grains Multiply?

Water kefir grains are known to multiply, but at times they are reluctant to do so. Even if they do not multiply, with proper care, water kefir grains can be used repeatedly to brew water kefir.

Q. My Water Kefir Grains Have Multiplied And I'd Like To Save Some As A Backup. How Do I Do That?

A. Water kefir grains can be stored short-term in the refrigerator or long-term by drying them.

Q. My Water Kefir Grains Are Multiplying Rapidly. Is There A Point At Which I Must Remove Some Of The Grains?

A. We recommend using 3-4 tablespoons of water kefir grains to culture 1-2 litres of sugar water. More grains cause the culturing process to progress very quickly, so it is best to remove any amount above 4 tablespoons, to avoid over-culturing and to impart the best flavour.

Extra water kefir grains can be used to culture another jar of water kefir, shared with friends, eaten, blended into smoothies, or dried and stored in a sealed container in the fridge as backup.

Q. My Water Kefir Grains Are Multiplying Quickly. What Can I Do With The Extras?

A. Water kefir grains make a wonderful gift to friends. Alternately, they can be eaten, blended into smoothies, or shared with chickens or pets.

Q. Can I Use A Metal Strainer With My Water Kefir Grains?

A. While a plastic mesh strainer is preferred, stainless steel is acceptable. Avoid all other types of metal when working with water kefir grains.

Q. I Just Received My Water Kefir Grains And They Don’t Appear To Be Working?

A. Water kefir grains require 3-4 days to rehydrate. It is common for the taste of the water kefir and the activity level of the kefir grains to change over the first few weeks after the water kefir grains are rehydrated. If you have questions or concerns about your water kefir, please contact us here.

Q. I'm Not Sure My Water Kefir Grains Are Working Properly. What Should I Do?

A. Always test aroma and flavour to make sure the water kefir grains are working properly. The finished water kefir should smell pleasant and maybe a bit sour, and it will be less sweet than the sugar water or juice you started with. The liquid will generally lighten in colour and turn cloudy during the fermentation period.

Q. I've Made A Few Batches Of Water Kefir And It Tastes Okay But It Smells Yeasty And Off-Putting. Is That Normal?

A. Maybe. It is normal that the kefir smell a bit yeasty at first. In the beginning, the yeasty smell is a sign that the yeast and bacteria in the kefir grains are still getting into balance. Normally the yeasty aroma will lessen significantly within a few batches. If the yeasty aroma continues, the water kefir may be over-culturing, which can cause an imbalance. Make sure to reduce the culturing time in warmer temperatures, to keep the grains well-fed and in balance.

Q. I've Been Working With My Water Kefir Grains For A Few Weeks And The Taste Of The Kefir Seems To Be Changing. It's More Fermented Than Before, A Bit Less Sweet. Is That Normal?

A. Yes, it is normal that the newly rehydrated water kefir grains will mature for the first several weeks, and the flavour of the finished water kefir may change.

Q. I've Been Working With My Water Kefir Grains For A Few Weeks And They Still Aren't Bubbling. What Can I Do?

A. It is normal that water kefir not be very bubbly when using a refined sugar. Try a darker sugar or add mineral supplementation, we offer Signature Sugar Blend Pouches here to make this process easier. To get a carbonated finished water kefir, bottling the finished kefir in a tightly-sealed bottle is usually necessary.

Q. My Water Kefir Grains Aren't Multiplying. What Can I Do?

A. It's a common misconception that water kefir grains that aren't multiplying are not working. Water kefir grains are known to multiply, but at times they are reluctant to do so. Even if they do not multiply, with proper care, water kefir grains can be used indefinitely to brew water kefir.